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Health and 


Instilling lifelong healthy habits is a key component of student development. Providing students with nutritious meals and physical activities that promote health increase knowledge retention and focused motivation in students.



Ensuring students eat a balanced diet is an important component of not only physical wellness and maintaining a healthy weight but also of mental wellness.


Encouraging students to eat healthy foods can be a challenge. Click on the button below to learn more about ways to educate healthy habits.


Incorporating physical activity in the classroom enhances cognitive and motor skills and teaches children the importance of lifelong physical activity.


Studies have shown that a child's physical appearance greatly contributes to his/her self-image and students who struggle with a negative self-image can result in learning deficits (Neighmong, 2010).


The link below gives ideas for bringing physical activity into the classroom.


The Goldie Hawn Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that has created an in-class mindfulness exercise in response to the global epidemic of childhood aggression, anxiety, depression, and suicide.


Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP gives children the knowledge and tools students need to manage stress, regulate emotions and face the challenges of the 21st century with resilience.

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