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today's problems

"Our whole civilization is made out of, moved by, and embedded in fossil fuels."
~ Jeremy Rifkin, renowned economic and social theorist

"If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction, were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the greenhouse effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper and textiles; meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time... and that substance is the same one that has done it before, Cannabis/Hemp/Marijuana!" 


~ Jack Herer, Author of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes"

Climate Crisis

Whether you believe climate change is man-made or not, the fact still remains that fossil fuels are destroying our delicate ecosystems and polluting practically every corner of the planet.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that greenhouse gases are emitted from: fossil fuel use, the impacts on forestry, deforestation, land clearing for agriculture, and the degradation of soils.


Although there are many alternatives being researched and expanded, only 13% of energy consumption in the United States is from renewable sources (EPA, 2018). Industrial hemp can increase that number to 100%.

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The importance of forests to our survival is monumental. We literally depend on them for the air we breathe and the fresh water we drink. Forests protect our watersheds and prevent the soils from eroding. Their ability to remove carbon dioxide from the environment is critical to the existence of the whole planet. Forests give us shelter, food, fuel, and livelihoods. So why are we allowing them to disappear?


Tropical forests are quickly being destroyed as a response to growing demands for food, livestock feed, and biofuel. Beef, soy, palm oil, wood, leather, timber, and paper products are the major drivers of tropical deforestation (UCSUSA, 2018). Deforestation is in everything from chocolate, toothpaste, animal feed, textbooks, buildings, furniture, pensions, and investments (Mongabay, 2015).


Hemp can halt rainforest destruction by replacing all of the products that are contributing to it, including beef!


The non-sustainable and environmentally destructive industries have given the world massive oil spills, toxic waste and worldwide pollution. This pollution has contributed to global warming and the destruction of many ecosystems. Yet these industries are continuing to destroy our planet. 


Industrial hemp can replace all products made from petrochemicals, clean up toxic waste from the ground and air, and remediate depleted soils.



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Farming Economy

The recent trade wars with China has left our farmers in dire straits. China buys more soybeans than any other country on Earth. China has been the United States number one importer of soybeans making soybeans the second largest grown crop in the United States just behind corn.


The recent disruption in weather patterns have caused massive floods, droughts, and storms that've also impacted our faming communities.


Farmers also have to battled compacted and depleted soils from large scale farming practices that use heavy amounts of pesticides and fertilizers.


Hemp can relieve all of the stresses that farmer's are dealing with today. 



Burgeoning Marketplace

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